FedUpUSA is your one-stop source for all the latest news regarding the global financial crisis. We are committed to bringing you the truth about what is really happening, as opposed to the fodder that is shown in the mainstream media.…

Q: Was yesterday’s 1000+ point drop (on the DOW) the start of “The Collapse”? A: No, but “The Collapse” is still coming. Why? Leverage and fraud. “Billionaire Carl Icahn told CNBC on Tuesday there are too many exotic, leveraged products…

Midnight on February 6, 2018 FedUpUSA’s presence on Facebook was unceremoniously ended. At the time, the page had over 90,000 followers, and posts going back over 5 years. With no warning, and with no previous “issues” with the page, and…
Healthcare Must Be Fixed NOW

The Bill To Permanently Fix Health Care For All Let’s lay out the parameters for a bill, a fairly-modest update to my two previous missives on this point here and here (note the dates) and which can be easily turned…
How To Fix Healthcare

Its Not Too Soon to Start Overhauling Obamacare From LifeZette This one change could make a vast difference and still allow access to care for every American by Ramin Oskoui, MD | Updated 09 Nov 2016 at 2:04 PM Health…
Who Is John Podesta?

With the steady Wikileaks release of Hillary Clinton Campaign Director John Podesta e-mails, many people are wondering just who this guy is. Sure, we’ve seen his name from time to time over the years, but it’s usually in a rather…

In videos released by Project Veritas, James OKeefe exposes what everyone except the Democrats have known to be true; there is a lot of voter fraud all across America. Rigging the Election – Video 1:Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence…
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